1/ When received, the tables were loose. This had a noticeable negative effect on the Z axis. When you secured the two lever screws to fix the head at a desired height, the DRO shows an erratic variation reaching 25/100 mm (!!) of the Z value. This was completely solved by tightening the screws holding the Z gib. So I advise to tighten the gibs screws as needed to relieve any play.
2/ The handwheel of the Z axis is quite difficult to manipulate, as the counterpoise balances only partly the weight of the head. I replaced it by a 15 cm handwheel (EBay) and an adapter made on my lathe. Incredibly more comfortable and making FAR easy to reach the desired Z value.
3/ On delivery the spindle had a runout completely out of specs . (mill replaced by the distributor). Check against the specs sheets!.
Описание и харрактеристики:
Высококачественный точильный комбинированный станок Optimum GU25B предназначен для обработки металлов.
Точило с шлифовальным кругом и кордщеткой (щеткой с металлическим ворсом), отлично подходит для заточки, шлифовки и очистки металлических заготовок в слесарных мастерских.
Корпус из алюминия непрерывного литья.
Уравновешенный ротор на качественных шарикоподшипниках.
Надежный, долговечный заточной станок, рассчитанный на длительный срок эксплуатации.
Массивные большеразмерные посадочные фланцы обеспечивают высокую точность вращения шлифовального круга и кордщетки.
Поворотное ограждение кордщетки с разъемом для подключения пылеотсоса.
Легкая и удобная работа на шлифовальном круге с использованием упора.
Привод Vario - бесступенчатое регулирование скорости вращения (дополнительная опция).
1/ When received, the tables were loose. This had a noticeable negative effect on the Z axis. When you secured the two lever screws to fix the head at a desired height, the DRO shows an erratic variation reaching 25/100 mm (!!) of the Z value. This was completely solved by tightening the screws holding the Z gib. So I advise to tighten the gibs screws as needed to relieve any play. 2/ The handwheel of the Z axis is quite difficult to manipulate, as the counterpoise balances only partly the weight of the head. I replaced it by a 15 cm handwheel (EBay) and an adapter made on my lathe. Incredibly more comfortable and making FAR easy to reach the desired Z value. 3/ On delivery the spindle had a runout completely out of specs . (mill replaced by the distributor). Check against the specs sheets!.