Nice video. Makes me want to finally finish my cnc conversion I have a Shoptask Eldorado few years newer than yours
Sans Decorum30 октября 2019 13:36
I have to give you proper recognition for making something akin to a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Well done, sir! Arduinos, no less !?!
I foolishly (?) bought a 1720 XMTC GOLD in 1998. Even welded up a heavily triangulated 2 x 2 x 14 ga. steel stand fitted with expensive 5" industrial castors, independant leveling screws and pads, and 2 layer .70" cabinet grade thick plywood top with epoxy on the end grain, and covered with 1/8" aluminum plate. Designed cart/ stand to be fitted with ball bearing slide drawers and all, but never finished that part. Wanted steel for drawers, but only have wood working equipment. Fortunately, I scored basically several almost new top and bottom tool chests when a company I worked for closed their East cost operations, so all accessories had a good home with easy access.
Anyway, don't know if I got lemon or such is just the nature of the beast, but the lathe ways are not even close to parallel. The tail stock gibs were adjusted for a nice sliding fit at the tail stock end, but was loose to the point of clunking as it was moved towards the lathe chuck. Same story for the carriage; adjust gibs near headstock and watch it lock up when moved towards the tail. Basically, it was pretty useless as delivered. If I had a large surface plate and a 60 degree precision straight edge, I might try scraping it in, but I do not possess the cool toys. Not worth sending out for a regrind, so not sure whether to MacGuyver something to tune it up or just sell it for whatever I can get and focus on dedicated 13 or 14 x 40 lathe and a large RF 45 type bench mill. Only problem there is space.....and money.
I did replace the stock bearings with Timkens' on both lathe and mill spindles and that smoothed out that aspect, but without good ways, it is basically a glorified drill press and lathe with maybe 3" useful Z range. What to do, what to do? . Open to suggestions, constructive ones anyway. Too heavy to toss off a bridge.
ZFISHTANK4 октября 2020 15:22
Question So I have acquired shoptask 1720 and was trying to figure out how to reduce distance between the spindle and vice what is the type of tool holder you are using?
Описание и харрактеристики:
Станок комбинированный металлорежущий СМ1720 предназначен для выполнения токарных, фрезерных, строгальных и сверлильных работ
Технические характеристики СМ1720
Технические характеристики
Наибольший диаметр детали обрабатываемой над станиной, мм
Наибольший диаметр детали обрабатываемой над суппортом, мм
Nice video. Makes me want to finally finish my cnc conversion I have a Shoptask Eldorado few years newer than yours
I have to give you proper recognition for making something akin to a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Well done, sir! Arduinos, no less !?! I foolishly (?) bought a 1720 XMTC GOLD in 1998. Even welded up a heavily triangulated 2 x 2 x 14 ga. steel stand fitted with expensive 5" industrial castors, independant leveling screws and pads, and 2 layer .70" cabinet grade thick plywood top with epoxy on the end grain, and covered with 1/8" aluminum plate. Designed cart/ stand to be fitted with ball bearing slide drawers and all, but never finished that part. Wanted steel for drawers, but only have wood working equipment. Fortunately, I scored basically several almost new top and bottom tool chests when a company I worked for closed their East cost operations, so all accessories had a good home with easy access. Anyway, don't know if I got lemon or such is just the nature of the beast, but the lathe ways are not even close to parallel. The tail stock gibs were adjusted for a nice sliding fit at the tail stock end, but was loose to the point of clunking as it was moved towards the lathe chuck. Same story for the carriage; adjust gibs near headstock and watch it lock up when moved towards the tail. Basically, it was pretty useless as delivered. If I had a large surface plate and a 60 degree precision straight edge, I might try scraping it in, but I do not possess the cool toys. Not worth sending out for a regrind, so not sure whether to MacGuyver something to tune it up or just sell it for whatever I can get and focus on dedicated 13 or 14 x 40 lathe and a large RF 45 type bench mill. Only problem there is space.....and money. I did replace the stock bearings with Timkens' on both lathe and mill spindles and that smoothed out that aspect, but without good ways, it is basically a glorified drill press and lathe with maybe 3" useful Z range. What to do, what to do? . Open to suggestions, constructive ones anyway. Too heavy to toss off a bridge.
Question So I have acquired shoptask 1720 and was trying to figure out how to reduce distance between the spindle and vice what is the type of tool holder you are using?